Friday 16 May 2014

TBA: Solum OSR

Solum OSR is a pen-and-paper rpg with a new take on the old school gaming.

Rules and game play is fast and innovative, using the thirty odd years that these games has been around and the experiences and developments from all the countless sessions of games that has been played.

Yet they retain the essence of the old style gaming - levels, hit points, classic classes and races, it's all there. The rest, in good old style gaming style, is fast and minimal.

Because most of it is new, we have taken care to make it balanced, interesting and fast. We have ironed out all the kinks of older games and made it logical and coherent.

Solum OSR will be available for free, and it will always be free (although there may be a print on demand solution that we charge for to cover our costs), however additions and expansions may not be free.

Stay tuned for more information, in the form of previews, tests and extracts.